Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


I have two meetings for the Community Fridge this week - a meeting for all the volunteers tomorrow afternoon and my usual shift on Thursday, so we decided to go out shopping this morning and Mr. HCB was happy (!) to come with me.

As it was so hot, we went to our nearest Aldi where we met this lovely lady, M., who was stacking shelves, amongst other things.  We stopped to chat to her as you I do, mainly about how Aldi produce was as good as many of the branded names, and we even had a discussion about the fact that last week on TV a test was done and Aldi Bramwell Baked Beans came out top - above Heinz!

As we went on our way, I happened to see some produce that should have been in the chiller, but had just been dumped nearby.  I went back and gave these items to M and we had a chat about the way people just put things down instead of taking it back to the original shelf, if they decide they no longer want it.  We then went on our way.

Not many minutes later, we saw more produce just dumped in the famous Aldi "middle aisle", so took that back to her too.  We mentioned to M that perhaps we should have a job just rounding up this sort of merchandise and we all said, again, how people who did this were adding to the burden of food prices soaring because obviously this could not now be put back on the shelf.

This happened twice more and I even found some fabric softener that had been put in the freezer!  One does have to wonder what people are thinking about to do this!

Anyway, as we prepared to take our shopping to the checkout, I said to Mr. HCB that I would like to have taken a shot of M's face because she had something spiky in her nose - and asked what he thought.  His comment was, "Well, I wouldn't ask, but that has never stopped you before!"  He knows me so well!

So - you guessed - I went back round to see M.  I explained about Blip - how today was Mono Monday with the theme of spiky, so asked if I could be really cheeky and take a photograph of her facial piercings.  She smiled and said that was fine, as long as I didn't take her whole face, so here is half of M's face - and I said I was so grateful to her, and of course, gave her a heart!

It reminded me that we should never judge a person by what they wear or what tattoos - and M had some of those too - or what body piercings they have.  M was such a kind lady and it was a delight to speak to her this morning.

Thank you for your kind comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's Blip - all of which are much appreciated.  Stay cool, especially in this very hot weather.  M xx

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