Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


The Tiny Tuesday theme today is " something to illustrate a saying or proverb".  As I had some little wooden houses handy in my granddaughter Astrid's toy box I though I would use them for my blip. (The small houses are about 3cm high ).  I came up with the following sayings to go with my shot. Thanks to isbi for hosting.

" Be It Ever So Humble There's No Place Like Home"

" Home is where the heart is "

" East, west - home's best! "

" An Englishman's home is his castle " meaning people have the right to do what they want in their own home and that other people or the state have no right to interfere in people's private lives 

" Bring the house down" meaning to perform or entertain in a way that causes the audience to react with extreme enthusiasm, such as by applauding loudly or cheering.

" Safe as Houses"  - meaning secure with no risk of failure.'.

" Get on like a house on fire" - meaning people who like each other a lot and become friends quickly.

I got the bus to Lidl this afternoon and after doing a bit of shopping there I went to the Metrocentre for a quick shop in Poundland.

When I got home I had a cup of coffee and a rest and then I did  a bit of tidying up in the cat enclosure.  I cut the grass using shears - there's not much and its not worth getting the mower out.  I also trimmed back some overgrown bushes and did some weeding.  After doing that I sat on the bench that's out there and relaxed in the sunshine.  No cats to keep me company - they were indoors keeping cool.

Steps today - 7,357

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