
By LifeLines

Hot Stuff

Chilli peppers in the mini-greenhouse. I’ve not managed to successfully grow them before so am pleased to see a few of the flowers developing into chillies. There are also some promising signs on other varieties of chilli and the sweet pepper in the greenhouse.

Another hot day (30 degrees). Merlin went for a walk with Hannah this morning so I stayed at home and got some jobs done. This included weeding the front and back gardens. As there was a breeze taking the edge off the temperature I then spent a couple of hours at the allotment weeding, harvesting and watering. I returned home for a late lunch and to watch some of the Olympics in the relative cool. Outside the breeze drifted away and it became rather hot.

- To get some constructive tasks done this morning.
- To watch some exciting and awe inspiring displays of skill, physicality and determination at the Olympics. I particularly enjoyed the BMX freestyle.
- To hear from my sister and family who are enjoying a break in Barcelona. The Palau de la Música Catalana looks absolutely stunning.

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