
By TheOttawacker

The struggles of writing a clear description

If yesterday was a half-day of lethargy, today I was completely out to lunch, only not in a good way. I just couldn’t settle. I awoke with a cramp in my ankle (probably from the compensation of hobbling around like a hermit crab for the past 36 hours) and a slight hangover. This is SparseRunner’s fault. Had he been more supportive in his drinking over the weekend, I wouldn’t have so much left over :).
Rather than face a mental mountain with the New Zealand stuff, I applied myself to a task Ottawacker Jr. had given me a couple of months ago: namely, selling some of the things he no longer wanted on Facebook’s Marketplace. It worked quite well; however, it is bloody time consuming. In between answering questions from people who can’t read descriptions and driving out to deliver and get paid, I spent most of the day doing this: and we only recouped about $60 in total. Still, he is happy and I didn’t have to do what I didn’t want to do… And it gave us an opportunity to go out to Findlay Creek to deliver some of the toys. This, of course, gave Ottawacker Jr. the ideal opportunity to ham it up.
Another sweltering day. Training in the evening for Ottawacker Jr.

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