
By flavia13


As I haven't really been over to Arnside at all since January - that is very remiss of me so I decided to pack the camera and go early this morning before it got too busy.

I had a lovely morning.  I was parked up by 9.30 and had a wonder on the pier and then along the beach towards the Bob In Cafe but didn't go that far as I only had my walking sandals on and not my shoes.  

I met a couple of guys set up for fishing, they said they were sitting waiting for the tide to come in. Then I met the cutest 14 week old puppy called Betty.  The owner was training her not to  automatically run up to people so I gave my permission and the lady told Betty she could come and see me and I had this ball of fluff doing back flips and turning around in front of me with a huge smile on her face and flappy ears with huge eyes.  I forgot to ask what breed she was but judging from those ears some sort of spaniel in her somewhere.  Adorable (don't worry Fletch you are still top dog).

Then I walked back along the prom and went  to go into The Sandpipers, it was now only 10.15 and they had only been open for 15 minutes but it was already full so I went next door in Crossfields.  Pleasant enough but you get served your coffee in a paper cup!!!  Still I had a view of the pier and the viaduct and the sun was beginning to come through.  It was very close though still is.

After that I just went for another walk and then by just after 11 it was getting very busy as the holiday makers were beginning to arrive and the families of course so a good time to go home.  

That's all from me for today, do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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