
By HareBrain


Another Hospital appointment this morning and this time to the Heart Failure Clinic in Telford to get the results of my recent Echocardiogram, and I’m more than pleased to say that after 18 months of the best care ever from this wonderful clinic my heart pump is working very well and is now nearing its optimum output.  So good, that I have been discharged and just have to keep up the good work and keep taking the meds!!  I’m glad I took a photo of the Angel Wings in the hospital gardens as they seem to have been looking out for me.
The Sister in the Clinic saw how sore my eye was with that horrid Stye I’ve had for the past few days.  She recommended putting boiling water over a teabag (didn’t specify what kind, Yorkshire, Earl Grey, Green, Breakfast??)  letting it cool and then hold over the eye for a few minutes.  Do this a few times a day …………. “and it’ll be gone in no time” she said.  I’ll let you know if it works or if it’s black magic, or an old wives’ tale??!!

The start of my journey just after I left home this morning was really awful, queues both ways for miles due to road works and diversions, but I was only 5 minutes late for my appointment.  Took a diversion on the way home and this is where I saw poppies and daisies at the side of a cornfield, always a pretty sight.
Extra:  those Angel Wings.

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