
By tridral

Gwneuthuriad ac anturiaethau eraill

Gwneuthuriad ac anturiaethau eraill ~  Fabrication and other adventures

“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand & melting like a snowflake. ”
― Francis Bacon

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Roeddwn ni gofalu am y plant eto heddiw ac roeddwn ni'n parhau gyda gwaith y wasgod ac yna mynd i'r parc, ac yna chwarae gyda'r pwll padlo bach. Am ddiwrnod.

Yn gyntaf siaradodd mam-gu i'r plant am fotymau, toglau ayyb. Yn y diwedd roedd y ddau ohonyn nhw eisiau defnyddio toglau. Yna torrodd y plant deunydd i wneud pocedi ac yn helpu mam-gu atodi nhw i'r wastcotau.

Yna roedd amser cinio (canol dydd) a phenderfynon ni fynd ar ein beiciau i Barc y Mynydd Bychan lle gallwn ni rhywbeth i fwyta. Yn ogystal â choffi a chacennau maen nhw'n gwneud paninis, brechdanau ayyb. Aethon ni o gwmpas y parc cyn dychwel i'r siop goffi i gael hufen ia.

Yna Aethon ni adre lle chwaraeodd y plant i mewn ein pwll padlo bach o dan y parasol.

Yn y pen draw roedd amser eu rhieni i'w casglu.

Roedd diwrnod poeth a brysur iawn. Mae mam-gu a thad-cu wedi blino nawr.

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We looked after the children again today and we continued with the waistcoat work and then went to the park, and then played with the small paddling pool. What a day.

First grandma spoke to the children about buttons, toggles etc. In the end they both wanted to use toggles. The children then cut material to make pockets and helped grandma attach them to the waistcoats.

Then it was lunch time (midday) and we decided to go on our bikes to Parc y Mynydd Bychan where we could have something to eat. As well as coffee and cakes they make paninis, sandwiches etc. We went around the park before returning to the coffee shop for ice cream.

Then we went home where the children played in our little paddling pool under the parasol.

Eventually it was time for their parents to collect them.

It was a very hot and busy day. Grandma and grandpa are tired now.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Mam-gu yn dangos i'r plant sut i atodi botymau (ffotograff wedi ei dynnu trwy fotwm)
Description (English): Grandma showing the children how to attach buttons (photo taken through a button)

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