..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

Dragonfly Stalking

I had 40mins to bag a dragonfly while Jess was doing Kettle Bells at the sports centre. Mirehouse Ponds seemed the best option and sure enough I found one patrolling the path alongside the lake. I spent ages trying to get continuous focus to lock on to the dragon without success. 
In the end I went to a manual focus, set for about a metre away and then shot from the hip, panning along as the dragon patrolled up and down.
max shutter speed and auto ISO as the light wasn't great.
With the help of LR denoise, I'm pleased with what I've got. 
I think it's a Southern Hawker but happy to be corrected.
Went for a walk to the pub this evening around the coastpath. (Extras).
Bagged a Stonechat, Sparrowhawk & Gatekeeper, half-bagged a Yellowhammer - I'll be back for a better image of that.

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