secret garden

By freespiral


Still running late after yet another mega day! Will wanted to go to Uragh stone circle, the sun was shining so off we went. Uragh is on the Beara Peninsula, just into Kerry and at the start of the incredibly scenic  Gleninchiquin valley. The stone circle is in a magnificent situation overlooking the loch and on a little knoll. It's a  teeny 5 stone circle with a massive standing stone next to it  and the vibes are mighty. We then wandered down to the lake which proved irresistible to two of us! The water was cool, green and silky smooth, delicious. We then went in search of another more elusive circle - the walk to it incredibly scenic - I was blown away by the camomile everywhere and its heady aroma. We continued through ancient woodland, truly spectacular, and eventually came across the circle - intact, unspoilt, remote complete with impressive boulder burials. Most satisfactory
After a very welcome lunch of cheese and biscuits, we ventured onto Gleninchiquin itself, privately owned and a massive area of spectacular mountains, huge waterfalls, river walks and unexpected plains full of oaks. 
We staggered home, and later collapsed in front of the latest Mission Impossible film - utterly absurd but oddly watchable. A good day,

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