
By fennerpearson

The Thames: looking upstream from the bridge

Today is the miniMinx's graduation, which is taking place at Twickenham Stadium. She arrived at the AirBnB last night, and we all went out for breakfast this morning, before the ladies started preparing for the ceremony and I settled down to some work. 

They set off early afternoon, leaving me to my own devices, working until around half-five when I went out for a run. According to the training plan, I had to run four and a half miles, today, at various paces. (The first was embarrassingly slow, and that happened to be as I ran past all the people sat in pub gardens overlooking the river.)

Mind you, I shouldn't complain as it was really warm, and I certainly felt that when I moved onto faster paces. So I was glad - once I'd freshened up - to go back to The Cabbage Patch for a cold glass of cider.

And after that, I met up with the ladies for dinner at a the Bella Vita Italian restaurant. Everyone was on good form and we had splendid celebration.

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