What am I?
Mum & I drove down across the border into Kernow to meet Mum's brother, Brian, & my cousins Sarah & Emma. We took the A30 down, leaving in plenty of time even after Mum's wardrobe change.... twice. Arrived early, the relies messaged to say they were running a little late. A long overdue catch up over lunch. Sarah brought us both a jar of Cornish honey, we took them plants. We drove home via Uncle Brian's as he had tomatoes for us both. Leaving Callington we headed for Tavistock driving over the moors. A perfect afternoon for the drive, many mares with young foals lazing in the sunshine, & fortunately only encountered one idiot who after crossing the cattle grid & 40mph restriction put his foot down and drove like a complete idiot, obviously unconcerned about the welfare of the livestock grazing often on the grass verges, or crossing/standing/laying on the road.
The abstraction... The answer is in the tags
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