Proms on the Green

A few more tentative half steps from Audrey today. I literally hold my breath every time, as though she could break into a run at any moment but I rather suspect it will be a jerky half step here and a wobble there for a while before she puts it all together.

Had a lovely Chorlton day with our friends. There was a Proms Concert on the green and we took picnics, drank Prosecco and ate strawberries with the little ones. Jo even made a surprise appearance on a bike at one point.

Home for Audrey's nap and the papers in the garden before a BBQ at Laura and Nathan's. They are so generous with their invites to their house. I just wish Angus was home more at weekends so we could return the favour once in a while.

A lovely weekend. The sun is shining and everyone is smiling. Just wonderful.

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