
By carliewired

96 F/ 35 C

Too much smoke to breathe,
taste and see today and a 
drive made no real change


I woke too early, got my first shot of the day from my deck, then arrived at the grocery store for its 7 AM opening. Not knowing if our handyman would be with us today, we thought it best to be prepared nonetheless. 

I overdid the walking at the grocers yet I had plans to drive east to the Turtle Valley Donkey Refuge about an hour away. I'd hoped to have the company of my friend G, but she had to cancel when she assessed the poor air quality this morning. She didn't feel she should be out in this with her asthma. 

I made the Donkey Shoppe my first stop where I bought myself a T shirt and gifts for friends. All proceeds go to support the donkeys. 

I looked over the first paddock to see other visitors giving the donkeys some love. Donkeys like to roll in the dust just as horses do. I caught one in action.  I always think donkeys have the sweetest faces and they are always so calm when I'm there.  

I had the most engaging conversation with R, who operates the refuge. He has many, many years of experience with the donkeys and loves them all dearly. He told me how a forest fire last year had roared right up to their property line. Although they were ordered to evacuate, he said it was impossible to move 100 elderly donkeys so they herded them all into one barn and kept the sprinklers running. Meanwhile, people in the community roared up with their trucks pulling horse trailers to help them get out. R. felt it was a testimony to the goodness of people. Local firemen promised they'd be there if the fire proved a threat. Fire fighters beat it back and not a donkey or a barn was lost.  

R. has many donkey stories to tell. I've encouraged him to write them down, or at least record them in his own voice. I hope he will find the time to do that. 

On the way back to the highway, I stopped briefly to look over the pond. I suspect that there are turtles living there and it may well be how Turtle Valley got its name. The gravel road here through the forest is washboardy and dusty in the heat. I was happy to get back on pavement again. 

My last shot is a point coming down the hill where there should be a view to the South Thompson River. Today, it's mostly blurry and grey. 

I was home for a late lunch and I hope to stay put for the rest of the day. I've put my feet up and it feels good. 

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