
By Grammy

Hard Knock Life

I woke up before 4:00 am. Finally went to the recliner around 5:00. Was still awake when hubby came out at 6:00. Mercy! After breakfast, I picked tomatoes. My DIL Renee came over and took all the ripest ones. Kim and Lauren will hopefully stop by to get some. Otherwise, I told Renee to feel free to use them for homemade marinara. Hers is delish. I saw this poor dilapidated Admiral butterfly near our back porch. Summer has flown by, guess butterflies are feeling the effects of the hot dry summer. We have new yellow swallowtails all around the property. Hubby mowed the lawn and trimmed while I did a load of laundry and made a bowl of tasty chicken salad. After lunch, he went grocery shopping. It was 93°F outside with an even hotter heat index. Hubby filled the fountains and bird baths and was soaked. It was nap time for yours truly. Renee is furnishing dinner so the evening is job free. I hope yours is as well. Stay safe, especially anyone in Debby’s path. We are expecting heavy rain from the storm later in the week. Thank for visiting. “The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.” — Rabindranath Tagore

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