
By Grammy

What a Snowball

Another lazy day at this house. Temps still above 90°F with a potential for thunderstorms later. Heavy rains won’t get here till later in the week. We’ve seen photos from Sarasota, FL where my parents wintered for years. They lived by a canal. Just wonder how bad the flooding was in their old neighborhood. Most homes were built on a slab vs a raised foundation. Sad new from the devastation in that area. I went outside long enough to pick tomatoes and get a photo of this bloom in my neighbor’s flower garden. As you can see, I was photobombed. There are hundreds of these showy puff balls covering the shrub. I’d love to have a bush like this but it is just as much fun to sit on my front porch and enjoy theirs. Two other folks in the neighborhood have them also. Hubby and I vacuumed and mopped the floors. I cleaned the kitchen. Our home is in order again. This week I’ve realized just how high maintenance our poor old Millie was the last several months of her life. We have hours of free time these days between the heat keeping us inside and having no pet tasks. I used to be amazed that people had free time; we were always so busy. We will be gone most of the day tomorrow (if I can get up in time to go with hubby). He has his stress test in the next county. We still have more of Renee’s BBQ dinner for tonight. Maybe I will finish the mystery I’m reading. It is different from most books I read. I hope you have time this evening to rest and read. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting. "When the flower blooms, The bees come uninvited." – Ramakrishna

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