
By RadioGirl

Mono Monday - Communication

A trip to my childhood town of Rayleigh this morning for a dental check-up. It was quick enough to get there, but there was heavy traffic everywhere when trying to drive home again. Very frustrating, and my searing back pain made it a misery being stuck in the car. Even ibuprofen didn’t do much for it.

I spent quite a while after lunch trying to sort out my online repeat prescription, which has somehow been deleted/blocked in the move across to the GP surgery in Tiptree from Chesham. Computer has obviously said no. Why is nothing ever straightforward? I still haven’t notified everywhere about the change of address - every time I think it’s all done I find more places that need to know.

Tiptree book club this evening, hence my late blip. ‘Hamnet’ was a hit with everyone. We’ve now set up a WhatsApp group to make communications easier than on Messenger.

Thank you to 60plus for hosting today’s Mono Monday challenge, with the theme of ‘Communication’. In the absence of enough time to think it through, I’ve gone for the obvious image of the main telephone in the house. Ironically I rarely use it for communication these days, preferring to use my mobile phone most of the time. At book club, Sam said hers had run out of charge while she was out with her daughter and it made her feel so cut off - whatever did we do before mobile phones were invented?

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