
By Grammy

Cove Point Lighthouse

Up at 6:00 am so we could get to Hubby’s stress test on time. I sat in the waiting room and was about to fall asleep when he came back. Said the doc was pleased with the test. He will get a full report in a couple weeks. I wanted to visit the Cove Point lighthouse that was opening at 1:00 today. Unfortunately, we were way early and the gate was locked. We went to lunch at a restaurant Jamie found; the burgers were phenomenal. We rode around Solomon’s Island but nothing blip worthy caught my eye. We got back to the lighthouse site at exactly 1:00. This lighthouse, built in 1828, is the oldest continuously operating light in Maryland. It sits at the one of the narrowest points of the Chesapeake Bay. It was staffed by keepers until it was automated in 1986. The U.S. Coast Guard still maintains the lighthouse. The keeper’s house has become a private air B&B. It rained for a bit on the way home, stopping as we got on the bridge. We are expecting more rain tonight continuing for three days. We filled up our gas tank and came home. Parker and Mancil stopped by to pick up a basketball goal for our parish school. Jamie had an exact match in his garage. Folks are going to work around the school grounds this weekend. Maybe they will be able to get these up. It is nap time. Hubby has a knight’s meeting. I plan to read. Hoping your day included some rest. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. “Man must behave like a lighthouse; he must shine day and night for the goodness of everyman.” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

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