Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


After two pain free days I unfortunately woke up at 5am with that horrible pain down my leg again, which I am sure is sciatica. I did some stretching when I got up to try to ease the pain, and I knew that walking would help.

After an early breakfast we met up for coffee with a colleague of Gavin’s who also holidays here and it was nice for me to meet her. She gave us some tips on new walks and cycle rides, as we find we tend to do the same familiar ones and don't explore other ones a little further afield. It was lovely sitting outside the cafe in the bright sunshine enjoying the warmth.

From there we set off on our walk for today, which involved taking the gondola halfway up the mountain and then doing an easy (but steep in parts) walk down to Laret. My leg did ease up with the walking although going downhill is not easy as I find it painful to put pressure on it. It had turned cloudy and cool which was unexpected, and when we got to Laret it started storming and raining. I was wearing a sleeveless vest top as I was expecting it to be hot but luckily I had packed a warmer top plus my rain jacket so I was prepared. I quickly took some photos of Schwarzee (Black Lake) as it started raining, some people were just coming out the water after swimming there - although the water is freezing cold it is a popular spot for swimming. As I was walking around the lake I felt a sudden sharp pain to my ankle and realised something had bitten me. It was so painful and was burning like crazy, I almost convinced myself that it was a snake bite (yes a bit over dramatic I know!) but then realised I must have been stung by a wasp or something similar. It immediately swelled up and the stinging did not stop - the same leg where I have sciatica so by now I was hobbling a bit. As it was thundering and pouring with rain, and Xena was getting nervous of the thunder, we walked back to the station at Laret and thought we would abandon our walk and rather get the train back to Klosters. We waited for the worst of the rain to pass, but as the next train was in 45 minutes time and we could probably walk back home in that time, we decided to walk back in the rain. 

At home we had a late lunch and then Gavin had work meetings and I had to type up the minutes from our camera club committee meeting last night. The meeting went well, there was so much to discuss because in addition to all the beginning of season things that we do for new members, we also have to plan our 80th anniversary which is coming up early next year.

We had golf booked for later this afternoon and at lunch time when it was pouring with rain we nearly cancelled, but by early afternoon the sun had come out again so we decided to go ahead and play. It was clear weather and we enjoyed our game.

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