Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

View of the village

Last night as we were about to sit down to supper, I heard the terrible news that a very dear friend of ours had died. Despite seeing these friends regularly as they live near us, we were unaware that he was ill, and I only heard from a friend in South Africa who had seen the press release about his death in the newspapers there. It was such a shock, as when we saw him recently he did not look at all unwell. I slept so badly last night thinking about this tragic news and feel so awful for his family, who I have since been in contact with. He obviously wished to keep his illness private which we respect.

Today it was a cloudy and coolish start to the morning, we were going to do a long cycle ride (my sciatica has gone and my sting is fine now) but the weather looked threatening so I did not want to be caught out in the rain on my bike. We did a shorter cycle ride, only 15km, and then had coffee in the village. To be honest I have felt a bit out of sorts today, still reeling from the shock of the death of our friend, so couldn't quite get enthusiastic about anything.

After lunch at home, we decided to drive to the Fashion Outlet at Landquart to do a bit of shopping. By now it had warmed up and was sunny. I mainly wanted to get some things for Gavin, and we did manage to find a few things for him. We also visited the Lindt shop and bought a pick n mix of all their latest Lindor balls, with flavours I have not yet seen in the shops like cheesecake, pistachio and champagne.

Driving back to Klosters it was so sunny and I stopped and took this photo of the village - it was 6pm and a train was just coming through at the same time. In extras, a photo of Swiss cows with their large cow bells.

Tonight Luke and Meriel arrive from London, fingers crossed there are no problems with their flight. Tomorrow, two friends from the UK also arrive to join us for a couple of days so it will be a full house over the next few days.

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