Look Out

By chrisf

Paris 2024

Oh dear, I’ve not taken a photo today, so have had to cobble something together.

I’ve been watching a lot of the Olympics on TV in the evenings. I’ve loved the swimming and athletics especially. It’s also a subject that has popped up unexpectedly in other circumstances today.

I attended a board meeting of the charity I am a trustee of this morning. We have a new trustee who I chatted to before the meeting, she told me we have a mutual friend (who I haven’t seen in years). I also learnt that our new trustee is a former European champion at her sport, and an Olympian.

Then on the way home I called into a tile shop (September’s project). Behind the counter one chap was asking the other if he had seen the women’s 800 metres final (he hadn’t). Yesterday they delivered tiles to the neighbours of the family of the winner (Keeley Hodgkindon). I interjected - forget the tiles, it was a great race !

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