Early workout on the plot, lifted the last row of potatoes, picked the broad bean crop, removed the canes & twine support. Watered & fed a few crops then picked lettuce, beetroot, & runner beans.
Down to CK, sorted breakfast for Mum. Toast, toast, toast. Walked Indie, then got myself ready to drive to Hennock with Jeanette. Jane's dad's memorial service was in the village hall. A lovely non religious service then refreshments in the Palk Arms. We sat with Jane's son & wife, over from Barbados. "Once gran goes we won't have any reason to come to the UK". I guess that goes for Jane as well as she's lived in Barbados for 41years, & that's home for her these days. A sad thought. I left a bag of veggies for Jane & her Mum - beetroot, broad beans, lettuce, & peas, at the cottage.
Back to Mum's to make her meal then home to taxi hubby to the pub.
Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting
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