Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

No Alarm

There are some days when my mind does not turn to a blip until there are very limited options or time left to meet the exacting demands of posting against the day.

That this is still important to me 13 years after starting this journal, is probably testament to the way in which blipping gets under your skin.

It was another working day, including a couple of site visits in the morning. In the afternoon I had a telephone consultation with an oncology nurse from the hospital. All I really wanted to hear was the results of blood tests on Monday, but they seem to have a script to go through, which results in the most meaningful part of the call happening at the end. I was pleased to hear that my test again came back negative. It is almost three years since I started radiotherapy after previous investigations indicated that all of the cancer might not have been removed in the earlier operation.

My next consultation is in 6 months time with the consultant and, depending on the results of blood tests at that time, might mean I can be discharged back to my GP for future checks. 

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