A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Almost there

We have three sunflower plants in pots which have grown from seed taken from my daughter’s last year. They are a smaller variety and are more orange than yellow. Hers are planted in the ground and are already flowering.

Through there are just 4 plants there are nine flower heads and thus looks like it will be the first to open.

We’re lucky to have them as they were very nearly eaten when we first put them out, the stems still look pretty stripped.

Walked on to Woodbank garden centre this morning for a (nearly forgotten) birthday card. Chris met me there for a coffee when he returned from shopping. 

Very strange weather, very windy and though mainly  bright there was an occasional dampness in the air, walking along I passed the field  where the horses reside, they were standing stock still against the wind and/or rain? Took a picture as I thought they looked a bit odd. On the other side of the road, alongside the cricket pitch, they were preparing the football field. The seasons are changing!

A bit of gardening when I got back, still working on the patio weeding!

Happy Friday everyone.

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