
By TheOttawacker

A walk in the park

 As Tropical Storm Debby wandered her way away from Ottawa, we were left with what might be termed a perfect day. Bright and sunny, with a cool breeze. This, in my memory, was what summers used to be like.
Ottawacker Jr. had a tournament down at Centrepointe Park with an 8am start. I slept badly, so when the alarm went at 6.30, was not in the best frame of mind to go: thankfully, Mrs. Ottawacker stepped into the breech and volunteered. I was in a much better position for the second and third games.
For the record, the first game, which I missed, ended up in a 3-0 victory for OISC over Carleton Place Soccer Club U12 T1 ; the second game was a 4-1 win against West Ottawa Soccer Club “C”; and the third game was a 2-0 defeat against an impressive CS Aylmer U12s.
Having waved goodbye to Ottawacker Jr., who had been invited to Lucas’s for a team swim, barbecue, and sleepover, Mrs. Ottawacker looked at each other and wondered what the hell we were going to do? Our original plans, a barbecue chez Mitch, had been kyboshed by the absence of Ottawacker Jr. What do you do when your friends would rather hang out with your kid than with you? Answers on a postcard.

In the end, we did some errands, cooked dinner, and did some background research on a trip we are going to take to Portugal later in the year.

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