
By ayearinthelife

Thistle And Weeds

Decided that, as it was a rare sunny day, we would leave the car at home and walk into town from home for our Sunday coffee. Crossing the cut through to Brigsteer Road, I was struck by how overgrown it is now, compared to only a few years ago. Whether it’s a conscious “re-wilding” policy by the council, or if they just can’t afford to maintain it any more, I don’t know, but I sort of approve. Though they may need to do a little work soon to keep the paths clear.
Back in lockdown, I blipped the area where they had cut down several mature trees and scooped out the ground to provide a ground water run off sump for the big new housing estate that was being built further up the hill. It was very raw and bare back then but is now totally covered in foliage, including these thistles which were releasing clumps of thistledown in the light breeze.
Technically thistles are classed as weeds but they are also much loved by pollinators, being classed in the top ten U.K. nectar producers. On balance I think that makes them a good thing and long may they flourish in that spot.
I also think our house is just far enough away that the seeds won’t reach us, even in a strong breeze!

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