Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Sunday after!

Thank you for all the kind remarks and good wishes. Yesterday was a very special day, and I forgot to include Ali's lockdown wedding of 5 people in my list, when we used the hall as her dressing room!
This is my second entry today as I finally catch up . Please do go back and look if you would like.
I was on church duty this morning, so still didn't get a chance to lie in. Mind you I hadn't slept again so it wouldn't have done much good in any case.
It was lovely to be in church again today, I was serving and also giving the chalice at communion, which I always enjoy. I did however warn the celebrant - Stephen was at our link charge this morning for his last service there- that I was operating in a bit of a dwam this morning!
All went smoothly however and we repaired to the hall afterwards. I'd brought the remains of the Christening cake to have with coffee. Many of the congregation remember Ali as a little girl so enjoyed hearing how things had gone .
My blip today is the arrangement of church flowers which a friend had done for me for yesterday. They were still looking lovely today. I knew I just wasn't going to have time to do them and she stepped in for me. She's professionally trained and her flowers are always beautifully done.
After coffee I went to pick up Cleo, although she didn't seem particularly excited about seeing me, she's hardly left my side since she got home.
Ali came over with the girls this afternoon Josie played in the garden then had a nap, Bonnie had a longer nap. Josie approved of the dresses I brought her from the US and thought Bonnie would like hers too.
The washing is all done, the suitcases are put away and hopefully tonight I will sleep. I'm going to have a Nytol to help me.

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