
By maureen6002

Sychnant Heron

The gloriously warm weather takes us up to Sychnant. There’s absolutely no point going anywhere near the coast as everywhere is absolutely packed. Besides, Sychnant always offers gentle wonders to soothe the soul. 

The ponies are nowhere to be seen - probably hiding somewhere cool and shaded, if such a place can be found in today’s weather.  I’m hoping for some swallows, and a few appear, diving and skimming over the lake. On their first appearance I’ve got the wrong lens on my camera; the second, I have the right lens but stupidly the wrong settings - so these avian acrobats will have to wait for another visit. Then there are the Emperor dragonflies flitting back and forth at lightning speeds, too quick for me - though I do manage a common darter that kindly perches on a rock. 

Suddenly, a large bird comes flying in, too quick for me to grab my camera. It’s a heron, flying into the marshes near the lake. If I hadn’t seen him fly in, I certainly wouldn’t be able to spot him in the reeds, just his slender neck and head emerging from the vegetation - and even then, it’s only with my 600mm lens at full stretch that I can capture him. 

A few moments and he’s off again; even Sychnant can’t escape the weekend influx of walkers and their dogs. Today there’s even a father and son trying their hand at fishing here - needless to say, they’re as unsuccessful as the heron! 

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