
By hazelh

Biggar vintage car rally - in the heat

On a gorgeous summer day, Mr hazelh and I walked from Bella and David's house to the far side of Biggar to visit the town's annual vintage car rally. It was so hot that we deliberately sought out shade in the Scout tea tent for our morning tea/coffee (cf the same event on 11th August 2019!

We were most interested in the ancient cars, and the more modern models of the 1960s-1980s from our childhoods. In particular, we hoped to find an Austin 20 from the 1920s like the one owned by Mr hazelh's great-grandfather (Bertie Lloyd, the father of Lorna Lloyd). One of the exhibitors displaying his own car amongst several Austin 7s explained to us that we would be very lucky to see a 20 anywhere. The Austin 7 is much more prevalent because it was produced in greater numbers. He also told us that  the 20 was one of the most powerful luxury cars of the time and could achieve some impressive speeds. This goes some way to explain Lloyd family members' fears of travelling with Bertie at the wheel, and evidence we have elsewhere of Bertie's traffic offences (including a newspaper report).

We talked to a few other exhibitors and visitors to the rally. These included a woman (also called Hazel) who started to recount her entire life story and then that of her husband when she sat at the same table as us in the Scout tent.

Back at Bella and David's house we relaxed (mainly indoors, sheltering from the heat). We played two games of Catan which resulted in wins for Mr hazelh and Bella, threw a stick and a ball for Rosie, talked (a lot), and enjoyed a lovely lamb supper with the most delicious roast carrots.

Exercise today: walking (20,638 steps).

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