Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Duck everyone!

I was woken up this morning by an amazing noise - I couldn't imagine what it was! It sounded like a lorry dragging a load of heavy boxes down the road! It turned out to be a thunderstorm with one of the heaviest downpours I can remember - our steep drive, which is often running with rainwater, was covered from side to side, right up to the wall on either side, something I've never seen before. The gutters on both sides of the houses were overflowing. I took pictures through the window, but they don't really show what it was like.

Apart from that it's been a good day with plenty of sunshine! I walked down to the Corran Halls after lunch to meet a contact from the Council, to discuss possible Keep Oban Beautiful involvement with the shrub beds outside the Halls. It was a very positive meeting and he will send me a letter outlining what we discussed and what we've agreed. He will also give me a number of contacts who might be helpful and will check out a number of other questions.

A slow walk back home due to meeting various friends, including one lady who joined me on a seat at the waterfront and talked to me for half an hour!  I was amused by this row of ducks in the harbour, my extra today. Today's Blip is of the first flower this year on my Bomarea edulis, or Salsilla. Back home to sit out in the sun with a book!

Quote of the day: 'If I waited until I had all my ducks in a row, I’d never get across the street. Sometimes you just have to gather up what you’ve got and make a run for it.' - Judge Lynn Toler.

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