End Of The Line Not!

Argghhhh I just spent ages typing up this and lost the lot due to those frikken talk talk f*****s right now then this shot is of the end of the rail spur at Ravenstruther near Carstairs where I used to get loaded up with coal trains.so that is my blip for the day.
Now then I had a couple of lovely chats today but was in turmoil by being told by a wonderful person about the emotional blackmail being put on them which I have first hand experience of that in the late nineties when at the same time as the death of one of my daughters I also had a fatality at work when someone went under the wheels of my train at work and my other half in my first marriage had caused a lot of debt which took such a toll it finished our marriage and then the emotional stuff came out where I would get text messages just as I was about to drive a train from Newcastle back home I would get stuff like don't expect to see her or the kids alive when you get back and that was just awful driving up the road not knowing what the hell was going on anyhow now you know, now then this wonderful person is being put through something pretty similar not with kids being involved but being made to feel guilty for wanting true love and happiness in there life rather than living seperate lives but just ambling along comfortably but not what they have always dreamt about and although it may be hard on them both I think this wonderful person should have the right to a happy fullfilled life that they have always wanted is that to much to ask in todays society without being put through the emotional wringer and being made to feel guilty for wanting to be happy and asspirations of what true love is well that is my opinion and I trully feel for this wonderful person and hope that there dreams and hopes win through in the end rather than just ambling along as it would lead to resentment and I always believe you should follow your Heart as that is what I would do so to this wonderful person I hope your dreams, hopes and asspirations come to fruition for you as you richly deserve to being happy and totally fullfilled in your life rather than someone putting you through a hard time albeit tough on both of them but you have to follow your Heart.
Movie for the day is "Emotional Blackmail 2005" See Ya

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