youngies journey

By youngie66

Hurry Up

Well I was being held up most of the way all the way to York today as the East Coast train was running a little late causing me to wait for him to clear the platform for me to enter here at Durham so I grabbed this quick shot whilst twiddling my thumbs sorry I have just posted two rapid blips so feel free to check out yesterdays railway blip today anyway back to my story err not really got one today actually yesterdays bird count was more than today just getting another pheasant today and 1 other wee birdy so it was an hour in Leeds and two hours in Newcastle then home for chilli and rice then off tomorrow thankfully and playing golf with my brother and a couple of other lads from work at Kinghorn Golf Club so fingers crossed for decent weather then it's back to work for another straight 9 days in a row I'm really starting to feel tired as I did not get my week off last week as my colleague had to get it as he had stuffed up his holidays so I will be working 8 straight weeks before I get my week back ach well such as life not much else happened apart from some heated but humerous independence debates in the messroom and on FB with colleagues at the wind up and there we go that was it for today now then movie for the day "In Time 2011 " enjoy Large if you wish

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