
By hazelh

Ailish makes a flying visit

Our niece Ailish will be starting a new job in a couple of weeks. She is taking advantage of her last few days of freedom to visit her brother Paddy here in Edinburgh. She also called on us today. Here she is 'modelling' the cakes that I bought from Cuckoo's bakery as a treat for the three of us at lunchtime.

After Ailish's departure, I focused on prep for our trip south tomorrow. This mainly comprised packing. It also included a dash to the hairdresser. 

We are picking up Mummy hazelh from my not-so-little sister two hours into our long drive in the morning, so need to sure to leave space in the car for her and her luggage. This time tomorrow night we should all be installed at my middle sister's house in Sussex.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; aquafit class; swim (20 lengths); strength training class; walking (14,576 steps).

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