
By Munroist4113

Chimney Sweep summer show

It was somewhat of a relief to find out that our van wouldn’t be ready in time for us to take it over to Sabden to see Mary tomorrow, stay somewhere at a wild camp and see Joan in the Lakes on Sunday morning. (It has to have a cam belt change). This meant I had a pottering morning then a futile drive to Morpeth to pick up the van. (I suggested to Mr C it might be worth phoning to check it would be ready when they said but would he listen). It wasn’t ready.

We went to watch the kids in their drama holiday club show. It was a short version of Zoopolis. Hilarious. All the children did well - Thomas and Ella with dancing and small speaking parts and Nathaniel in the main male part. But somehow James was the star of the show. He played a sloth and enjoyed moving slowly and speaking VERY slowly. He had the audience in hysterics. He really hammed it up.

#3 daughter, Ella and Nathaniel were driving off up to near Berwick to join friends in their large static caravan. #2 daughter had to go home to work, having nipped out to see the show. Luke was working from 3am so we drove him home to have a sleep. He’s had bad news. His dad is undergoing treatment for a frontal lobe brain tumour and now they find his 62 year old wife has bone marrow cancer.

The garage phoned to say the van was ready so I dropped Mr C off to pick it up and I drove the car home. We are going to enjoy our gin and some pepper crisps tonight.

Here are the grandchildren after the show. L to R - James (9), Thomas (11), Ella (12) Nathaniel (10).

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