The Pensioner

By Pensioner

The pack approacheth

Out for an inter-club race! KenA, had been whipping up enthusiasm and demanding that we got as good a turnout as possible in an attempt to beat the other lot. As a member of both clubs, and skipper of an H-boat, he decided he’d sail for us on this occasion. Being a pursuit race round the cans for one and a half hours, we were all given a starting time - slowest boat first. It immediately became obvious from the given starting times that our nine boats made up the bulk of the slow boats. Anyway, it was all done in great good spirit. My stalwart crew Rog and I set off and hovered off the start line. Too far off. By the time we got over it the pack weren’t far behind. Soon they were on me like sharks in the water. And my gawd was it blowy. Several boats came close to broaching.
But we got round the course three times, and pipped the last placed boat just at the death. Phew. Back to the RFYC clubhouse to blether aplenty. And have a beer. Of course they won - easily. Our only top five boat was KenA himself. 
Back home and a lovely visit from the daughter and her two kiddies. A delightful time. I read the minky stories from my recently arrived 1938 Rupert book (a facsimile of one my Mum had as a girl) and she loved it! And small boy was a wee treasure playing out the back with my metal LeMans cars from the mid sixties. That’s how it should be. None of that modern nonsense. I want to make wee replica people.

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