
By MerrilHope

Diversionary activities

"There seems to be a common line which runs: 'If you're old, you've got to stay mentally active, physically alive, ever fascinated by life.' ...... But I say: 'Why?' I've done fascinated, I've done curious. I want to wind down. I want to have the blissful relief of not being interested.  ..... I want to start doing old things, .... like slowly starting to give my property away, instead of spending my time trying to acquire it. Like seeing everything from a distance, rather than close-up and personal. ....Like being able to spend a day doing nothing instead of feeling obliged to fill it with diversionary activity to avoid guilt and anxiety. ......  I feel relieved of that terrible Protestant work ethic that has dogged me all my life. I feel light, calm, like a great field of ripe corn, slowly swaying in the breeze, all chubby and sun-kissed." 
-     Virginia Ironside : "No! I don't want to join a book club.

The diarist/character, Marie Sharp, describes herself, via the author,  as " retired art teacher, divorced, one son, one cat and resolutely single" turning sixty - and her diary is proving to be a thoroughly entertaining, often LOL  summer read, that rather too often for comfort, strikes a loud bell and harmonises with the song I often sing in my head since acquiring the magic number in years.  This splendid entertainment is all courtesy of the give one/take one English books mini library at Sahara restaurant on the sea front a couple of days ago. Thank you to whoever left it on the shelf at the end of their vacation. 

Accordingly, I revelled in doing very little today and achieving even less. The dog had a morning walk, the craft room is marginally more organized than yesterday, I crocheted a few rows of my latest blanket project, Rufus and I strolled along the sea front early evening and stopped for a while to enjoy a leisurely beer at Pasa restaurant with Marie Sharp for company, and I didn't swim in the pool at all today -  just because it's there doesn't mean I have to swim everyday, right/  - it'll still be there tomorrow, and hopefully, so will I.

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