..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

The Lost World

I returned to Clints Quarry for a bit of stalking about. It is an abandoned quarry which nature has reclaimed. There are a number of ponds, woodland, thick scrub, sheer rock faces and usually plenty of red mud even if it hasn't been raining particularly.  The mud seems to keep most people away which means the wildlife is prolific. Making my way through the wood the place was quiet except for the high pitched mew of a Buzzard overhead. When I came out into the open quarry it seemed deathly quiet. Either every living thing was waiting for my next move or more likely my senses had not tuned in properly.
I moved through the quarry a few steps at a time, with periods of waiting and watching and this paid dividends as the place seemed to come alive.
Birds in the scrub,  Roach on the surface of one pond, butterflies and dragonflies,  you could spend weeks here recording the fauna and flora.
My stalking resulted in a number of dragonfly encounters, (extra) - I think these are Common and Ruddy Darters,  male & female of each.
 Favourite of the day was a wren whose alarm call was loud and clear in the scrub, I went to statue mode and it broke cover to land on a rock and get a better look at this intruder in the lost world.

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