
By Hillyblips

On the Wane

I had missed the big astronomical event yesterday with the Blue Supermoon  although on the wane tonight it was still to be marvelled at in the sky. I had the right lenses here at home too not to mention a tripod so I was stalked by Millie into my hide to attach one to another. 

To be clear: a Supermoon is when the moon rises at its closest point to the earth and a Blue moon is when there are two full moons within a single calendar month or four full moons within a season.

I don't like leaving mum up there on her own but she is adamant she doesn't want to move and loves looking out of her window on the view she has looked out on for the past sixty three years. The girls go in four times a day and she loves them. Why would I want to upset the apple cart?

The journey home took an hour longer than usual I think because of the 50 mph zones on the M1 but going up it was two hours longer. Oh I wish we lived closer.

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