
By Tryfan46

Sensory garden

BearstedCAN organised a visit to Communigrow, a community based gardening and horticultural charity near the East Malling Research Centre in Kent.

We were shown around by the leader who described some of the many activities and courses offered by the organisation for people from 7 years upwards.

Staffed mainly by volunteers it is an inspirational place helping many people to manage their lives through gardening and educating young people about growing, eating healthily and sustainability- to mention just a few.

Nearby a new housing estate is being built. Communigrow is working with the developers to show new homeowners what they could do with the garden space in their new home with the developers creating model gardens on the Communigrow site.

After an enlightening and uplifting morning it was back home for a quick walk before packing for my long journey tomorrow.

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