
By Grammy


Hubby and my mother had an early morning appointment to apply for a senior tax discount on her real estate taxes. He left home at 7:00. They also took care of some banking business and then went to lunch. He got home around 3:00 pm and is now cutting grass. He has a Knight’s meeting later this evening. What a busy day he’s had. His SUV has been fixed and my passenger air bag is working again. What an expensive fix that was but we travel too often not to get it done. After breakfast, I took a quick shot of these luscious tomatoes and then picked two boxes of ripe ones to share with the family. One was used on my lunch sandwich after I packed for the trip. I gathered months of paperwork that I store in a cabinet above my desk, sorted and filed it. Hubby was telling me about his day and my right eye started hurting. I knew right away what had happened: a blood vessel broke in my eye. This one feels different though and my vision is blurry. Sure hope it clears up soon. I am going to give it a rest after I publish this. Guess I won’t be looking at your entries tonight but will catch up soon. Hubby wanted me to take him to get his car but not sure my vision is clear enough to drive. Maybe one of the kids can take him. Hope your day was without mishap. Stay safe. Thanks for all the hearts, stars and lovely comments lately. “It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato.” - Lewis Grizzard

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