Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Canal Walk

I haven't done a long walk for some time so, despite my achilles still playing up I walked from Wolverhampton to Birmingham, along the Birmingham Main Line, a distance of just over 14 miles.

It was very windy to start the walk but thankfully it was hardly ever into my face.  A walk of this distance usually allows me to see plenty of wildlife, including 6 herons, numerous ducks, coots and moor hens, even a fleeting glimpse of a kingfisher, but the most unusual was a little grebe and chick.  There was also a constant stream of boats travelling along the canal, something I'd not noticed on previous walks.

I got to Birmingham just before lunch, when this photo was taken where the canal passes between the ICC and Brindley Place.  I stopped for a bit of lunch in Victoria Square and saw the most bizarre sight of a dishevelled man climbing into the pool, fully clothed to collect some coins that had been thrown in.  He was away before anyone could take him to task, leaving a trail of water in his wake.  He must have been desperate! 

A short period walking down New Street then caught the train back.  The achilles was very sore after sitting on the train for half an hour, causing me to limp for a while on the short walk home.  Thankfully, my sister in law is a physiotherapist and has sent me some exercises to see if they will ease the pain.

I've added another image taken in the 330 metre long Coseley Tunnel.

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