An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

The dog and piano...

Sounds like a pub!  :-)

Lovely lie in for us all.  

Alan and Aaliyah headed off to the Edinburgh Fringe and Ele and Kenny joined us for lunch at the golf club where we were meeting Keith and Mairi.  Keith is one of the golfing gang but is missing the annual Spanish golf trip as he's just had some surgery.  He was looking well though.

When we arrived we thought the golf club was closed as the car park was empty, but the clubhouse and restaurant were open, just the course that was closed due to the heavy rain last night.

Keith and Mairi arrived and we had a lovely lunch and afternoon.  They came back to ours after lunch for a little while.  Felt sorry for Keith as they left and he wished D and Kenny a good golf holiday.  He'll make up for missing out next year.  

Once every one had gone D played piano for a little while and I finally finished editing the photos from our holiday in Wales and got them uploaded to Facebook.  Alan returned from Edinburgh having had a brilliant time at the Fringe.

I am feeling shattered but in a good way.  Another day of socialising tomorrow with Agnes and Adrian before a day of rest on Sunday :-))

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