Day at a Time

By Tweedy


Here are some of 2024’s Orkney beach treasures. As usual they nearly all come from the sands at Pierowall though a couple were picked up elsewhere. Other years' collections are here , here,  here,  here and here.  It’s something I find irresistible and there's always a great sense of triumph when I find a pretty piece. Harmless fun! 

Orkney 2024 was a lovely holiday. I’ve wanted to go there using public transport for a long time and I’m very happy to have done it (apart from the non-existent trains from and back to Stirling. That was a pest). However moving around is definitely not as relaxing as being at anchor. I missed having my own base and I’m not sure that I’d want to repeat that part of the visit. Our accommodation was all fine but no sooner did we get settled in than we were on the move again. 

I’d never visited North Ronaldsay before and I’m glad I had the chance to go. I hope I don’t offend or upset anyone when I say that it felt to me like an island in trouble. The population is low (about 70 permanent residents) though there are great efforts being made to attract people to the community. I hope those efforts succeed. 

Papay on the other hand, with a population of about 90 or maybe slightly more permanent  residents,  felt very purposeful and upbeat. It was great to have a couple of days rather than just a few hours there.  Westray of course we absolutely love and two days wasn’t quite long enough. All the same we did a lot in our time on the island. 

The journeys went well and the bonus day in Lossiemouth was a treat. Both the bird observatory on North Ronaldsay and the hostel on Papay had washing machines so we managed to have (reasonably) clean clothes. The weather was pretty good. Windy at times but when we needed it to be dry it was. We walked a lot which was enjoyable. I don’t think I’ll ever not want to go back to Orkney but I’ve learned something about my preference to settle in somewhere. I guess I’m not a born traveller! 

It's lovely to be home and into routine. I believe the weather is to be dry today so I'll get the washing out. The garden looks ok though definitely with an autumnal touch. It needs a bit of attention but our house sitters did a great job of keeping the deadheading going.

No Monday childminding as our grandson is at school! A new set up from tomorrow. Today - I'm off to the optician for a routine eye test, the car is going for its MOT and later I'm walking with D in preparation for the Kiltwalk next month.

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