An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Happy International Dog Day...

On Lola's walk this morning D was asked by various fellow dog walkers that he bumped into, if Lola is still a puppy!  Hahahahahaha....her behaviour clearly belies her looks!  :-))

She has been an especially loving girl the last few days, trying to get up on my knee for cuddles.  Of course I can't resist, and on International Dog Day it had to be a blip of Lola.  Unfortunately you get me too!  

Spent a little while in the studio this afternoon finishing the ink and wash thistles I started a couple of weeks ago.  Hoping I will be in the right frame of mind to be in studio early tomorrow and get re-started on Mairi's thistle.

Did a stock take of the freezers in the garage as planning to do some batch cooking later in the week.  D is off to Spain on his annual golf trip on Sunday for five days and hoping the golf widows will be here for some of the time so want to have food prepared to save time and hassle next week.  Soup and beef in red wine are two dishes on the list since we seem to be sliding into autumn with any hope of summer fading fast.  Sigh.  In couple of weeks I will notice the change in the scent of the air and embrace autumn, but at the moment I am still pissed at the lack of a proper summer.

This time last year we were in Harris and Lewis with Blip Pal P.  Happy Memories :-)

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