
By ayearinthelife

No Milk Today

When we went shopping yesterday, number one item on the list was milk. If only we’d taken that list with us, we might not have forgotten to actually buy said milk.
As it happened, there was enough to last until this morning so I thought I’d just pop into Lidl after going to the gym and pick some up.
Except…there was no skimmed milk to be had in Lidl. No problem, we’ll just go a bit further and get some from Sainsbury’s.
But…there was none in Sainsbury’s either. Now I was starting to worry. Was there a nationwide shortage of skimmed milk due to it being a Bank Holiday? Call me a fussy beggar, but I can’t stand any other type of milk in my tea. And I drink a lot of tea.
Thankfully - as you can see from the picture - our third port of call, Morrison’s, had plenty of milk so order has been restored to the world.
And the moral of the story? If you’re going to go to the trouble of making a shopping list, the least you can do is remember to take it with you when you go to the supermarket…

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