Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Blanchland Show

Kay and Eric went to Blanchland Show, so I decided to go and see them there. The lack of a phone signal made it difficult to meet, but first I met Kevin and Catriona, who had seen Kay and Eric, earlier!

We eventually met and I also saw Geoff and Sandy, who had completed the half marathon run. Well done to them.

This is a relatively small show and quite delightful. There were lots of dogs and owners, waiting for the dog show. I really like the border terriers. In my blip a girl was given the responsibility of walking the dog across the ring, while the judge looked on behind.

My first extra is of the Shuggy shoes. Shuggy means swing in Geordie. When I was a child, I loved to go on one of these at the fairground. The children here had a great time. (Note the lovingly knitted cardigan on the girl nearest to me.) 

I could not resist another extra, this one of the jubilant winner of the women's egg and spoon race. I think the adults had as much fun as the children with these races. (I did wonder about some of the techniques for keeping the eggs on the spoons........)

Although rain threatened, it did not arrive. I came home for a nap before tackling the processing of the images.

It was a good day out.

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