
By carliewired

60 F/ 16 C

I was chasing light
along the river - then deer
appeared on the road


I was up before 5 but mornings are getting darker now....I waited until almost 6 to make my getaway. 

I had to make a short stop at our business, then I was on my way across the bridge and onto Mission Flats. 

We are brewing for something of a storm today so the clouds and reflected light along the river was interesting to watch. I kept my eyes peeled for any sign of an eagle, but I was disappointed. 

On the last lap before the bridge, a doe and fawn crossed the road ahead of me. I pulled the car over and got out with my camera, hoping I hadn't scared them off. They paused in the brush then moved along parallel with the railway tracks. The train came along and seemed to startle them. I caught the doe looking up at the train zooming by, then I caught her in retreat into the dry grasses. 

I stopped for groceries and wore my feet out before I got back to my car. Once I had breakfast in hand, I was on my way home.

I have some paperwork to keep me busy this morning, but the afternoon will be with my feet up. 

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