Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


The Tiny Tuesday theme today is "  Wood -  the wood of the tree or the end product after".  I knew what I wanted to blip.... but couldn't find it. I've looked on and off all day.  In my search a found a few other small wooden objects that I could have blipped but I really wanted my original choice.... and I finally found it and blipped it.  ( the other items have been put to one side and may appear in future blips.) 

My blip is of a vintage olive wood brooch in the shape of a dove of peace.  It was hand carved and made in Bethlehem. My late husband bought it in the late 1940's when he was stationed in Palestine whilst serving as a British policeman in the Palestine Police.  Thanks to MaryElizaR for hosting the challenge.

Ive had another day at home.  Didn't need any shopping and couldn't motivate myself to go out.  Pottered around at home doing a few chores and caught up with some TV viewing.

The weather has been dry but very dull again.

Today is the 3rd wedding anniversary of my son Neil and his wife Rachael.  I have very happy memories of their wedding day over in Ireland.  Ive added a photo as an Extra.

Steps today - 2,828

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