
By feorlean

A day out

I had to be in Glasgow today (car issues again, or rather a final day of solving them - I hope) and as I was going to be at a loose end for several hours, I decided to visit the refurbished and redesigned Burrell Collection in Pollok Park.

I know that Cathleen and I were there in the mid 80s, a couple of years after the Queen opened it in 1983 , and I was there when I was Culture Minister which I haven't been since the end of 2009.   So I was prepared to be impressed, but in fact I was stunned by the superb improvements and the overwhelming nature of the collection.    

I include one or two extra photos , but this Virgin and Child caught my attention early on , as did the funerary boat from an Egyptian tomb.    The special Degas exhibition was very illuminating. .   

I will be back before too long.   

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