Living my dream

By Mima

Reading glasses required

I pricked out three dozen wallflower seedlings this morning. They are tiny and my reading glasses were essential for such close-up fiddly work. The glasses didn't do much to help with my chunky fingers though. I accidentally squished three or four. 

Half of the seedlings will eventually be planted in K's garden, which is where the seeds came from. The other half will find a home in the raised bed next to my new cabin.

The rest of the work today has been on my knees, weeding all along one side of one of the three herbaceous beds. The three have all been neglected through winter thanks to my back, so there is a lot to do to get them looking reasonable again. It was great to make a start. 

The chooks greeted two barrows of weeds, which included rocket and dill which had been growing into the path. Yum. They will turn them into eggs like the little magicians they are.

I also pulled out twitch from around the artichokes for half an hour in that ongoing task.

The weather has been warm enough the last few days to garden from soon after sunrise until I've had enough. My stamina is still a bit below par, so I stopped at 3pm today. Normally I would be working at least another 90 minutes. 

When I get into the garden like this in spring (the weather is springlike, even if it's not official yet) I realise how much I miss it through the cold wet winter months. There is a simply enormous amount to do, and I am loving these first steps.

Bean supervised.

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