
By OldTimer

Colourful abstract

When I saw that abstract was to be colourful I immediately thought of this quilt as had been talking about it today
Quite a lot of years back I had a feeling I wanted to challenge myself and make a really bright quilt. I had always patchworked in more traditional basic colours, pinks blues creams etc. this is what I achieved and have never used it. 
.Today I rang the Hospice and asked them if they would like it for a raffle for a big fund raiser they do called Rock and Hop. An amazing event that hundreds of flash cars enter from all around the country . They raise thousands for hospice over three days
I will put the full quilt in extras. Should have got a ladder so that I could have photographed it with the right perspective
After seeing my villa yesterday can now focus on that which I need to get rid of and there is plenty of that

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